Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

DIY: Big Arm Hole (No Sew) & Two Triangle Print

HI! So I have a new DIY :) This is called Big Arm Hole Top and I print my own design on it. 
You can know more about this top, you just have to click this link:

When you make one of this, make sure that you use one of your tshirts that you are not afraid to lose, we have to face the fact that it won't look like want we want it to be. Right? :) You will not need sewing tools in this, this is very simple and easy! So let's proceed :) 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

DIY: Crossallover TOTE BAG (Thrifty Time!)

It's June again, and it means! School days are on! Once you're a college student you will always want convenience (like I do) or a shopping day maybe, you will always need to put in or out your things, that's why having a tote bag will totally satisfy your cravings. 
Before summer days comes to an end, why don't you make something that you can use anytime? A tote bag it is. If you have pieces of fabric from a wide leg slacks like I do you can do have a bag like this. (Thrifty Time! Baby!) Previously, I made a DIY: Trendy Shorts ( I have some fabrics left from that same slacks, and thanks to my gorgeous brain I thought of making this one.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

DIY: Wide-leg Slacks into Trendy Shorts

Do you have this Wide-leg slacks that you can't wear? We can turned out that into something new! Just get your scissors and sewing tools.|Click See more!|

Sunday, April 28, 2013

DIY: Scalloped Collar Necklace

From this to that. A necklace made with a weird tshirt that I have since last year.  But the thing is, from that "Weird" Top, I came up with different D.I.Y's.
 The neckline of this Top, is the main ingredient of this beautiful collar necklace that I made. I just add a stud and a scrap from this Top too, to make a ribbon. So this is how I made it. 

What you will need?
Sewing Tools
  • Cut the neckline and make sure to cut the excess threads from it. You can use any fabric laces that you have.
  • Get your stud to put the two laces together, and make sure to secure it tightly
  • You will need any ribbon or scraps, sew it in the lace. 
  • And you're done! 
That easy, right? Stay tuned to know what I did with this Top, what D.I.Y's I made out of it! Learn how to be thrifty and crafty. Note: If you have time, dive-in in your old cabinet or boxes and see what you can use,recycling it is. 

Gonna have the trivia about my top ... soon!

Thanks you for visiting and reading my post! 
x o x o

Thursday, April 25, 2013

DIY: FLOREON statement necklace

 What can you do when you have floral fabric that you don't use? DIY! Make a statement necklace that is so easy to make.

What you will need?
Neon Beads
Floral Fabric
Crochet Hook

If you want to make it easier for you to shoot the fabric in the hole of the beads, make sure that your fabric is pretty stretchable.  And you have a crochet hook to make it way more~ easier! 

First, you have to cut a piece of fabric probably, the size that can fit your neck. Then, stretch it to make it more longer. After that, get your neon beads and put it in the fabric. It's your choice how many or what size of beads you'll gonna use. Tie it in your neck, just make a ribbon in the back then you're done!

You can rock you're outfit with this simple and easy to make statement necklace. If you decided to make one, make sure to tag me at facebook or twitter ok? I want to see yours too! For facebook @Aira Cruz Beruin and for twitter @imairaberuin. Recommend my blog to your friends and relatives! Thanks you! 


Thank you for visiting and reading my post! 
Infinite hugs and kisses
x o x o 

Keep on Loving! 


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

DIY: Geometric Statement Necklace

In Mathematics, Geometric, Of or relating to geometry, or according to its methods and it can be characterized by or decorated with regular lines and shapes (Google 2013). 

I saw some items that practically used shapes and lines, and I must admit they really look good. Neon Colors, on the other side... gives more compliments to geometric pieces, it looks more attractive and amazing. I have my eye on this items and I simply want to have one, so I made one! Just cheaper than what I saw in the internet. I made my own design of a geometric necklace for my contentment. 
What you will need?
Nail Polish (Neon Color) 
Jump Rings
Thumbtacks (Anything that can make a hole)

  1. First, draw four triangles with different sizes. Then cut them out.
  2. Glue the triangles (Refer to the picture above, to see what will it look like)
  3. Get you thumbtacks and make a small hole in the smallest triangle, make sure that it is in the center.
  4. Now, it's time to paint! Get your nail polish, your choice of color. Let it dry.
  5. When it is perfectly dry, put the jump ring in the hole with help of the pliers,
  6. Get you chain and put it in the jump ring.
Note: Enjoy doing D.I.Ys!         

 You're done! 
 You can have this, just follow this very simply steps! :) 
 Put some credits, Ok?

Thanks for visiting and reading my post! 
Infinite hugs and kisses
x o x o

Keep on loving!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

D.I.Y: Donut Bun (Messy bun/ Perfect High Hair Bun)

I made this few days ago, this is the second time I made a Donut bun, the first is... I use a pink/white sock so obviously it fails, the color is very visible to my hair. Take Note: Don't use colored or printed socks. It will be best if you use black or brown, it defends on your hair color. 

What will you need?
Black or Brown |Old or new| Sock(s) 

You only need to items to make this bun, so Let's start! First, you need to cut the part of the socks where your fingers are. After doing that roll it. Make sure that the cutted part is not visible, tuck it in or anything you can do to hide it. And it's done! 

If you are not satisfied with the volume of the bun, you can get another sock and do the same procedure. (I have 3 socks in my Donut Bun) If you don't have many black socks then use your colored one to put inside, to make some volume. It's totally done! You can use that now to make some Messy bun or a Perfect High Hair Bun. Put your hair up and enjoy the heat of the summer! :) 

    Put some credits :)
Thanks for visiting and viewing my post! 
Infinite hugs and kisses
x o x o
Keep on Loving!