Sunday, January 12, 2014

OOTD: Plaid & Laid

Casual Sunday, No Make-Up Day, Laid -Back Day, Whatever Day. A day is still a day, but it is a day my face have to take a break and my eyes to breath (referring to the "people stares") and also my contact lenses. 

Going somewhere and too lazy or don't have enough time to think what to wear? Put some casual day walk outfit, laid back style baby!. 

In this outfit. I wore my Plaid Polo by Amy's, Ballet Flats in Black by Solemate, Diy Big Arm Hole, Studded Bag by MyBasics and my pair of short shorts. As you can see, my plaid polo can be use as a coat and a long sleeves polo, but using it as a coat is much better, it looks more laid back and comfy because I wore a comfy flats. 
Check my blog post to view this DIY (Big Arm Hole) ! 
Photographed by Mark Joseph Basco