Thursday, April 25, 2013

DIY: FLOREON statement necklace

 What can you do when you have floral fabric that you don't use? DIY! Make a statement necklace that is so easy to make.

What you will need?
Neon Beads
Floral Fabric
Crochet Hook

If you want to make it easier for you to shoot the fabric in the hole of the beads, make sure that your fabric is pretty stretchable.  And you have a crochet hook to make it way more~ easier! 

First, you have to cut a piece of fabric probably, the size that can fit your neck. Then, stretch it to make it more longer. After that, get your neon beads and put it in the fabric. It's your choice how many or what size of beads you'll gonna use. Tie it in your neck, just make a ribbon in the back then you're done!

You can rock you're outfit with this simple and easy to make statement necklace. If you decided to make one, make sure to tag me at facebook or twitter ok? I want to see yours too! For facebook @Aira Cruz Beruin and for twitter @imairaberuin. Recommend my blog to your friends and relatives! Thanks you! 


Thank you for visiting and reading my post! 
Infinite hugs and kisses
x o x o 

Keep on Loving! 
